Monday, April 30, 2012

Wits end

I am currently at my wits end.  I have a 6 month old that is fighting her naps and screaming any time David or I put her down.  As you may know, its hard to get anything done when both of your hands are occupied.  Let alone having another child that needs some attention as well.

Speaking of this other child, Carson has been working on potty training.  She has been doing so well, except when it comes to going #2 on the potty.  The other day, we were visiting some friends at their home.  I look at Carson, and she immediately says "Don't look at me, mommy!"  A sure sign she has gone her underwear.

I'm sure there will be a day, not too far off, when I will look back at this and laugh.  But that day is not today.


  1. Oh Mist!!! I remember feeling that way when Piper was the same age as Morgan. I wish I had amazing words for you. I know the only way I made it through those times was taking time with Jesus every day when the kids were taking naps.

    It DOES get better, I promise. Although lately I have also been rather at my wits end because I feel like I'm always with children and never with my husband.

    I love you!! Let's (for real) Skype more often!!!

  2. Being a very mean mother, I used to just put Korie in her crib and let her cry when she was like that. If I knew she wasn't hungry, and nothing else was wrong - - - I put herin her crib and shut the door.

    Being the stubborn little thing that she was in those days, it took her about a month to give up her little fight, but man oh man after that things sure were a lot easier.

    Parenting is difficult - - - at all stages - - - I won't "warn" you yet about the stages yet to come - - -

